David and his crew took over the landscaping in Wedgewood complex approximately 2 1/2 years ago. Our previous landscaper had been on site for around 20 years and had become quite complacent and had allowed the shrubs, bushes and trees to overgrow. When David started there was many years of neglect from lack of trimming and weeding. In the 2 1/2 short years that David and his crew have been on site they have made a huge change to the appearance of the complex. Most of the trees and shrubs have been trimmed and shaped . Evergreens that had been allowed to grow down to the ground have cut back 6 to 8ft. Not only did this enhance the appearance of the complex but it is much better for security reasons.
David and his crew have always been very courteous and professional and would certainly recommend them.
Yours Sincerly.
Freda Platt
President of Wedgewood Estate.